Originally Posted by Suck.of.Ages
Being that I'm friends with Fat Mike, NOFX, and Fat Wreck Chords on the MySpace, I already had three bulletins and blogs informing me of this event the day after TMZ put the video on their site.
Ohhhhhhh MY BAD. I didn't know you were the Kurt Loder of the underground Punk Scene. I'll make sure I do a "Simpson's Did It!" check before I post something about Fat Mike on here.
Originally Posted by Dirty.For.Ages
Then again, it's not like it's the first time Fat Mike has shown his hypocritical side...
Really you could say that about lot of older artists that make it past a 1st/2nd CD release into longterm success, that they often break away or outgrow what they were passionate about in their earlier careers. This can also work in reverse.
Also, punk artists are angry when they are young, I can't imagine what they are like when they hit "sitting on the front porch, yelling at kids to get off their lawn" age. They have to be the most angry, sully, and downright pissed-off old people on the planet.