Here's the deal. I avoid physical confrontation. Many times at the cost of my ego. However, that does not mean I am afraid, or lack confidence in my abilities. I am fairly confident that in most physical altercations, I will come out the victor. The problem with getting involved with one means I will hurt the other person. I'm not going to stand there and trade punches. I am going to remove the other persons ability to injure me as soon as I can, and I'm going to be damn sure they don't get back up when I walk away. I must assume that the other party intends to seriously injure me if given the opportunity, so I'm not going to give them that chance if I can help it. Such a situation means that I will not "get away" with it, and that I have a responsibility to call for medical aid for the other party, and talk with the police when the arrive. Honestly, I don't ever want to hurt anybody that bad, nor do I want deal with the fall out from doing so. Unless my life, or the life of somebody else is in immediate danger, I'm not going to go there.
If you are serious about feeling this way over somebody "trying to start trouble" with you, then please get help.