I dont recommend it, I work part time security here and there, and have done some higher risk stuff, and been in a few fights as a consequence...no "real " fight is a good thing... people do not just get up and walk off after, and some may never walk ever again... being as I was the security there have never been legal ramifications for me, but It is never fun, and once you see someone maimed, you suddenly have an understanding that fights are not in fact cool, like the movies or anything else but dangerous and terrifying - eventually the terrifying part goes away, but it is amazing how something like a beer bottle can fuck your shit up in an instant, and how sometimes how good you are in a fight has nothing to do with whether you get hurt, sometimes its just luck...... so I try my best to avoid them, and would recommend that to anyone.... If you have to fight, cheat, and do your best to end it quickly......
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens