Originally Posted by yournamehere
How will I know if I like them until I listen to them? It's not like the shitty tracks get a lot of airplay.
If you are still relying on the radio as your filter for music... you are doing it wrong. I listen to Internet radio, check out music blogs, podcasts, etc. to discover new music. These places either offer music streaming or links to places where I can listen to a given track.
Originally Posted by yournamehere
Besides, it may have changed since the last time I bought music legally, but I dislike the whole concept of DRM and losing a shitload of songs when you opt out of a service (Yes - I actually paid for Rhapsody for awhile. Lost every single song after I quit.)
I buy from DRM free sites such as Zunior.com. There are many others, including iTunes that offer DRM free downloads. As for the 128 mbps issue, Zunior.com, for an upgrade of around $2 will sell you a CD quality, DRM free file.
Originally Posted by yournamehere
If a band can string together 6 or 7 decent songs, they'll get my money.
I generally agree with this but will also grab a cool song that I've heard, without picking up the full album. Call me cheap.
I also agree with you about live performance being the way bands are generating revenue these days. If you want to support a band... seeing them live is the best way to do so. And that is especially true here, where so few bands tour.