Midlife crisis?
I'm 42yo, married, 3 kids, been at the same job since 1993 with a couple years off in the middle. Live in a small town where the population is about 30k within 100km radius but it's a fucking awesome place to live & I'm not about to move to a city. I'm 20% owner of the electrical enigineering company I work for that employs 35 people throughout the province. I'm supposed to put in 32 hours/week but rarely do. I've got a mortgauge with about $30k remaining on a $500k property. Pretty fucking sweet life really.
My wife is awesome, beautiful, talented, athletic, great mom, I love her lots like to hang out with her. However, my sex life sucks, I get it about twice/month, I've tried talking my wife into more frequency and more variety but it's pretty white bread. Lately I tried getting her to shave or at least trim some of her jungle of pubes to no avail. I try engaging her in conversation about it and she just shuts down and goes to sleep with no closure to any potential argument. I often feel like putting my feet up against her back and sending her off the bed.
I'm fucking hating my job. At work this month I've done about 10 hours of chargeable work and surfed the internet pretty much all the rest of the time. I chat a lot with strange women who I'd like nothing more than to fuck thier brains out. I've met one and fucked her a couple times and that was nice but I feel shitty about it. I'll probably keep fucking her cause it's one of the only things I'm enjoying lately other than riding my mt. bike fast down hill.
I'm realy tempted to say fuck it all and quit my job, get a divorce and go learn to surf/ski/mt bike and waste the next few years of my life living out of a van but I'm not sure that is such a good idea. Child support payments would soon clean me out & I'd have to work again. I'd also miss my kids.
So I'm kinda feeling lost and do not have a clue what the fuck I should do.
Anyone here have any similar experience or sage advice?