Originally Posted by Charlatan
To me, iTunes and services like it (zunior.com is good for me) are the answer. You don't need to buy the whole CD. You can buy the track you want at a very reasonable price. Anyone downloading music illegally, using the excuse that they are trying to "stick it to the man", is an ass.
As for movies. Yes. Some movies suck, but that has always been the case. Your millage may vary. Using this as an excuse to steal content is just bullshit.
This is not to say that there are legitimate reasons to share content. To rip content. Etc. There are legit reasons to break copyright (such as copyright exists today). That said, blatant theft is just that and nothing more.
Despite the way my post comes across I actually agree with you. I'm a musician myself and I know how hard it is to make money in music (oddly enough a lot of musicians still support illegal file sharing) and I can't in good conscience take food off somebodies table so to speak. The problem is that a lot people don't see it that way and are frustrated with quality and prices, and in theory I can't say as I blame them. Both industries blatantly use false advertising to sell sub par products at overblown prices and have continued to do so despite complaints from its own customer base. In turn people have been trying for years to get around paying for movies and music because they feel ripped off...and of course because some people are just greedy bastards.
I remembering sharing tapes when I was a kid because I couldn't afford every album I wanted, is that really any different? Taping songs from the radio, taping movies from television? Sharing with your friends? Both have been going on for decades for the same reasons. Both industries have been creating a pissed off customer base for generations, now that the tech has caught up they're paying the price. It may not make it ethically or morally right but these things are going to happen when you run a business that way, especially when you sell something people can't really get anywhere else. Neither industry is going to get much sympahty from me.