Originally Posted by Lindy
Sadly, for many smokers, it is not a choice.  It's an addiction, compulsion, habit, dependency, or escape. Maybe all of those things and more. But most smokers simply cannot choose to not smoke. Any more than my ex husband could choose to quit drinking. He'd say "I can quit anytime I want to" but he never "wanted to."
I've been around recovering alcoholics and addicts that tell me that kicking cigarettes is harder than quitting drinking or drugging.
Congratulations, roachboy on quitting 8 weeks ago.  And good luck on staying quit.
Do you smoke? Have you in the past? I'm just curious where this level of expertise comes from.
Again, I am an ex-smoker of cigarettes and a currently enjoy my pipe tobacco. When I switched over to the pipe I also cut way back on my consumption level, and even that sucked.
Smoking is a choice. Saying that it's not is an abdication of responsibility, like taking your hands off the wheel of your car.
I am of the opinion that saying it's not a choice is like spitting in the face of everyone who does it. Give people a little more credit than that, please.