Crappy movie? Out of popcorn? Why do you download movies and music?
So, would you watch a crappy movie? Listen to a bad song? I only watch horror movies at the cinema. I tell you, you have never been scared shitless till you've see The Haunting (1999) on iMax. But the point of this thread is this ... whats with the MPAA's big fuss over revenue and loosing figures? I am sure I am somewhat in the majority when I refuse to expend $12.00+ to watch a flop or a bad album.
Would you pay for (Rent, big screen or otherwise purchase) and watch a movie that already has bad reviews? Would you pay for a movie that you are unsure of weather you want to own? Would you pay for an album of which you haven't heard it entirely and are unsure of wheather you'll like it?
I know I wouldn't. I have actually bought music CD's (very few) that I have digitally ... acquired. I don't yet own any movies but I have a collection in mind coming soon that I am sure I will purchase and keep.