Lead horse water..... I started smoking at 14, smoked until I decided to get pregnant (16 years later) and quite three month before we started trying, didn't smoke again until my second child turned 3 months and we had to move, long story, husband still smoked, stress, excuses, started smoking. I smoked outside, not in the car, tried not to smoke around the boys at all. I can say I missed smoking the whole time.
My mom has smoked my entire life, and pretty much hers, she can barely breathe, her sister smoked also, now she brings her O2 tank everywhere she goes. What’s really scary about these two wonderful ladies is if anything happens to them and they have to be innabated, their odds of ever coming off a respirator are slim to none, boy, hard to think about that. It truly is a life-style and so much more, if you've never enjoyed smoking, it's hard to understand and I really enjoyed smoking, loved everything about it, the smell even, I just love it.
Twenty months ago we had a house fire, I put it out with an extinguisher and in the process breathed in a lot of smoke and extinguisher stuff and I could barely breathe, let alone smoke. My lungs hurt so damn bad, all I could think was, this is what it must feel like to have emphysema and die slowly. I tried really hard to keep smoking, missed it and craved it and yearned for it, it just hurt so badly, then, when I could smoke again, I thought, why. I figured, if I started smoking because my mom smoked, maybe my boys would, I don't want them to decide that way so I figured I wouldn't necessarily quit, I'd just wait until they turn 18 and move out, they are only 6 and 7 now.
I would want a cigarette and think in just a minute I'll have one right after I do this and start doing something else, then I would think I want a cigarette, then make myself do something else, all the time, everyday over and over. Other circumstances in my life lead me to wellbutrin, a lovely little antiD that has a wonderful side effect, and for me, the only real side effect. I don't even like the smell of cigarettes any more and the taste of a cigarettes I find repulsive, unless I'm really drunk (very rare). What I find strange is I still want to smoke.... I still think when the kids leave and I'm not taking the antiD crap anymore, I just can't wait to smoke again, just the way it feels, I even miss liking it. Crazy.
It really doesn’t matter much what you say to your friend, at 33 he’s heard it over and over, you’re not telling him anything new. If his health is bad, smoking may be what he does to cope, even if it’s making it worse, doesn’t matter until it matters to HIM. No one really knows what it takes for someone to finally make the decision to quit and then stick to it. My husband has quit over and over and over, he likes to say “only quitters quit” ha ha. My dad, lifelong smoker, has quit, over and over and over also, he tells my, you have to quit smoking everyday, I understand that. I truly believe if it weren’t for the welbutrin, I would be smoking now. As a matter of fact, I want a cigarette. Oh well, I guess I’ll do the dishes.
Just be patient, be his friend and accept him, or don’t. He knows how you feel about it. When you move on, either in your friendship or not, it will still be his decision, and when or if he does quit, it won’t be because of anything you have or haven’t said. Sad, I know. If he does decide to quit, mention to his wife, or if he becomes comfortable talking about quitting, to him, about wellbutrin, it may help. I know they are prescribing it now as a smoking cessation tool. I don’t know if it will help him quit as I had already stopped smoking before I started taking it, but I sure can’t “physically” stand them right know, even though I wish I could. I know crazy again, that’s a smoker’s life, and it doesn’t make sense to me either. Good Luck.