First Off I have to Thank Jazz, becuase he has really been there every step of they way with me in this and literally held my hand. So Thank You Jazz! Im just trying to hang on as long as I can untill I can find another job.
Jinn - I feel it is important to say something in order to diffuse the situation some. The ponits I have mentioned here are the only ones that he addressed of of concern on my review. He says in some instances Im doing a good job but he will come back and say there are times Im not at my desk for unspecfied reasons but this is not true becuase I am at the other groups desks related to outages we work on and are responsbile for as mentioned my first post of this thread.
Also the job at hand pays the bills but im not getting any encouragment to get out there and apply because Im so saddened them im not leaving on good terms here. Im a good person and I only mean well and work hard. I feel he is just building a case but in a bad way. That hurts and impedes me from being able to apply to other deparments. It cloulds my mind.
Anyway back to this, I can either reply directly to him in an email or just add it on the review, since this is seen by others. If I send directly to him I take the risk of him not sharing, deleteing and not even caring. I feel partialy comfortable to add on the review since I am comming off as humble and have now fixed my grammer mistakes with your help.
Please review once more and tell me if the overall content comes across as well. I want to be done with it so I can move on! I want to focus on a strategy of somewho encouraging myself to LOOK for another job and just apply.
I really am grateful for the members of this forum.
Last edited by slushi123; 03-12-2010 at 12:29 PM..