Originally Posted by PhD
I mean, you could even try to impregnate women on different continents, to increase your evolution chances and promote world peace, at least your desire to work for other people you normally wouldn't in real life for whatever reason.
And underpinning it all would be your sex drive propelling you to greater heights of excellence and improvement in yourself so as to attract better females. Awesomeness all the way around. At least a lot better than what was happening if you didn't take this path.
I mean, ideals of success are upset so easily. In my case, my whole life growing up was centered around some stupid idea I have since found out was false. All gone. All for nothing. And I am being punished for following the truth.
But following your desires, and having kids, can’t mess with that no matter what people say.
Just look at Bob Marley, or Stevie Wonder. They have tons of kids with different women.
If I did this, no matter what else happens to me, I can’t see regretting it. That is significance, and positive it seems.
What’s the alternative – you have no kids and die. Or you have one family, and all die in a car accident?
Are you planning on being an active part of raising those kids or are you going to be a POS deadbeat who is just fucking his brains out. If it is the later, please get a vasectomy. We have enough criminals without losers like you poisoning the gene pool.