Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Shit, and there goes a chunk of my childhood.
I read recently that Feldman removed him from a project they were working on because of his drug problem, hoping he'd clean up.
Of the 2 of them, I would have never have thought that Feldman would be the one to get his shit together (or so it seems). Good for Feldman.
As to Haim, I caught a bit of "The 2 Cories" a while back. You could tell he was fucked up most of the time - even on that show. Him OD'ing is not a big surprise. (Sadly)
I guess allot of child stars really get eaten up by the machine. Cute kid, not so cute (even wierd looking) adult. Big money fast, people kissing your ass, never being told no. Tough when it all comes to a screaming halt.