Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
we are a great match. Very similar interests, great conversations, etc.
They call them good friends.
Seriously though, as cold as it sounds your best bet just might be as many here have mentioned and that's to break it off.
while sex isn't the be all and end all of life it is a damn enjoyable part of it, for her to go from Bondage Queen to a Nuns life and expect you to just deal means a lot in my opinion.
I pretty much made my mind up right or wrong when I got to the part in your post where you have to make out in a certain way.......dude.....seriously wtf?
I was with a girl several years ago who went down that very same road, it was a hard time and I tried to stick by her but we ended up splitting up and very bitter towards each other.
If she thinks sex isn't important then tell her that pretty much makes you friends and leave on that note still keeping the friendship if possible.
Best of luck!