Plan9 - LOL, crude but you make a great point in both posts. Sometimes people just set themselves up for the roll they play in life and endless people are going to take advantage of that. I don't really know that its wrong to "use" somebody who wants or even asks be "used" for lack of a better expression. But like you pointed out while the sex is great you have to be ready to carry a whole lot of baggage with it and personally I think its never really worth it.
MSD - Pretty much nailed it on the head. I do think the behavior is more prevalent then people realize though. Its almost similar to a drug addict in a way, the high is amazing but, big surprise, when you crash you feel like garbage and spend all your time looking for more. Anyway I don't know if I really want to go down that road again, shes a friend and pretty sweet girl when she's not on something or after someone and I'd really rather leave it at that to be honest.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”