I recommend jumping balls first into the shooting arena after banging out a few rounds from the shitty rental guns at Blue Ridge Arsenal.
Everybody is so obsessed with having cool toys and banging out the big rounds. Turns out most of those guys can't shoot worth a shit.
Mr. Telekinetic kinda pissed me off above with what I felt to be an incredibly ignorant statement. If a single particular type service pistol is the "only gun you'll ever own so why buy another?" then you seriously need to reevaluate your firearms training philosophy. As a cop?
It'll get you killed.
Here's an interesting FBI report on police officers' [in]ability to shoot versus their "gangsta" criminal opponents:
You know what they call a guy that who only owns a $2k AR and a $2k 1911? All show and no go.
Originally Posted by KirStang
Burned. And to throw a huge screw in to the discussion. Get an HK P30S. Fucking Sweet Pistol. It'll outshoot any craptastic pistol they issue you when you become an LEO.
Okay, I'll bite...
you smarmy sonuvabitch. The H&K doesn't shoot much different than the Glock or S&W M&P (generally speaking, though my USP45 is like a death ray some days). They're much more expensive guns, harder to find items (mags, holster, parts) for, and are generally too snooty to take out on a date. While I do like the controls/trigger and my experience with H&K has been overwhelmingly positive, I wouldn't want one as a sidearm overseas nor would I recommend it to someone as their first or sole service pistol. I'll just stick with my original recommendation of a .22 auto or a DA .357.