Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Its possible she is the same way I am, and its a Ph problem, simply put I cannot handle the Ph level of semen. Its been that way with every person I've had sex with in my life. If I do not wash immediately after sex I start to get irritated and break out....yeah its not sexy but remembering to do it means I dont have to wait several days before having sex again.
Its not all that bad I just use a warm wet washcloth anytime we have intercourse and I'm good to go. If I forget.....well lets just say I havent forgotten in a very long time lol
It's a fair chance that is is pH. Semen is (in biological terms) strongly alkaline, and the vagina is slightly acidic. Semen can neutralise the natural acidity and in women prone to flare ups can cause thrush for this reason.
If the lady is actually allergic to you, the easy test is to put some elsewhere on her and see if she has a reaction - the skin inside the wrist or forearm is good, as it's generally thin and hairless, so next time you have some, rub a dollop on her and leave it for half an hour.
Alternatively, if that's too clinical, get her to take it in her mouth and hold it there for a while before removing it by her favoured method. If she's sensitive, her tongue will tingle.