-its easier if you're an optimist
-its easier if you can both make constant plans (trips, visits, vacations, phone call arrangements, other contact sources, etc)
-its easier if you've gotten to know them well, AND TRUST THEM
-its easier if you have money to throw around for travel and phone bills, etc.
-its easier if you use logic/common sense to keep emotions under control. (For example, its can be tough to note a tone in what someone types up on the internet, or in a letter/email. It is equally tough to note the tone in a long distance relationship, even phone calls cause difficulty. body language lacking and all... for extended periods of time...toughie)
I'm giving a perspective based off of personal experiences. I've had two long distance relationships so far, both failed miserably. Lies and whatnot. Gotta love those lies!
And as you can see, I'm still highly cynical from the more recent breakup (2 weeks ago, heh)
One lasted about 3 months, the other lasted over 3 years, possibly longer (we didn't really keep track)
Its a good life experience I suppose, then again, all social interactions are aren't they.
Thus, based off of my life thus far, NO, LD relationships do not work.
But hey, give it a shot. There's lots of success stories out there, and lots on TFP itself. Take the opportunity, or it could turn into a regret.