Wait. The Haitian guy's response does not address the issue. The fact that the Haitians freed themselves of slavery by revolting against France is not the issue...the video clearly shows that Pat Robertson acknowledges that. The issue is the "pact with the devil"...is there any proof that this "pact with the devil" occurred? Is there proof that the Haitians promised to serve the devil if the devil made this revolt a success?
Poor timing for Robertson to bring this up, but if one believes the devil exists, as I do, then one knows he means business. It is odd that this tiny island, that is split in half, is well and prosperous on one side (the Dominican Republic) and the other side (Haiti) is, and has always been, the complete opposite. I'm not saying it's because of this pact with the devil...I'm saying I need more proof of this pact before coming down so hard on Pat Robertson for his comment. Apparently the video doesn't show the rest of the show where Robertson displayed a lot of compassion towards the Haitians either. So, was he just stating the facts?
..."Say what you think. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" ~ Dr. Seuss