Thread: Bring a Condom?
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Old 01-14-2010, 09:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
Anonymous Member
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Bring a Condom?

It is pretty normal for me to over think things. I consider myself intelligent, although not necessary a fast thinker. Therefore, I tend to like to be over-prepared for whatever comes my way. This topic will serve as a good idea as to the kind of things I over think about all the time, in an effort to be fully prepared for when it comes. I am posting anon, being I feel uncomfortable discussing such things with, anybody.

So, lets say you have hit it off well with this girl. She wants to hang out again and you get the vibe that there may be more in store this time around. Would you bring a condom? After all, if you were to get so lucky, the last thing you or she needs is a kid as well as not liking the idea of having protected sex.

However, the other side of me wonders what she might be thinking in this situation. Does she wonder why I am bringing a condom, as if I knew things were going down? Maybe I can pretend or maybe she assumes that I always carry a condom around "just in case." I also don't like this idea, because I am a virgin, and I don't really want her to get the idea that I always carry a condom because I am ready and willing to use it with whoever/whenever. Sounds strange, I know, but that is just the kind of person I am.

I can already imagine some of the responses and I appreciate all who reply. However, I am looking for honest input on what girls are thinking in a situation like this, or if there are guys like me who think like this.
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