I still vote for let it go. Despite all the protestations from the hard asses on here.
The kid is 16. He's old enough to make his own decisions. I remember 16 (a few years ago

) and I was mature enough to know what I wanted and I would have not wanted to have sex with a 42 year old for sure. (Maybe a late 20's would have been about as far as I would have gone.)
I've got to believe that he will not be scarred for life over this. If anything, he's going to be very embarassed having his love life in print (and discussion boards) all over the world. Further, as far as it goes, nothing happened between the two of them, AND she was under the impression that he was 20. Presumably when she saw him, she realized he was not 20 and beat a hastry retreat.
Dragging this through the courts and potentially throwing this woman is just a huge waste of time and money.