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Old 01-07-2010, 12:47 PM   #28 (permalink)
Paladin of the Palate
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Location: Redneckville, NC
Originally Posted by The_Jazz View Post
Apparently they've got the chat logs. They've already commented on that. I suspect that those reveal that there's at least a discrepancy with what he says about his age. Even if there's a mention of him saying he's 20, she's got plausible deniability, and I can't imagine a prosecutor filing charges against her on a case that he's going to lose.
I've heard of guys hearing the same thing from girls "Oh i'm 18/21/of legal age to bone in your state" and the court system putting them through the ringer. I had a friend of a friend who I met at a party in college having a problem of bringing a girl home from a club, banging her brains out, then finding out later that she was 16. In the state of NC if you are over 5 years older than the person, it's considered statutory rape (If he/she is under 18). He was 27, so he was brought up on charges for it, he only got away with it because she used a fake ID to get into the club which was 18+. Otherwise he would have been brought up on charges for screwing her even tho she said she was 20 and went to the local college. I always heard that in the eyes of the law, even if she says she is over 18, it doesn't matter, it's still rape (I could be wrong on the law, I'm not a lawyer).

Personally, I hope this woman goes to jail and is put in the sex offender registry. If nothing else for the double-standard of this being tilted a little more to the female side. If the genders were switched the headlines would be "Sexual Predator uses popular MMORPG to try and kidnap young girls for sexual purposes". There would be big exposes on how bad these games are, how horny old men use them for sex, and how they should be shut down "to protect the children". He would be throw in jail and the key would be thrown away. His life would be ruined cause some under-aged girl lied and said she was 20. If horny older men can't do it, then horny old women shouldn't be able to either.

I know when I become a horny old hobbit man I'll do the right thing. Bang horny old women or buy hookers. At least then I know I'm breaking the law before I'm surrounded by cop cars screaming, 'SHE SAID WAS 18, SHE SAID SHE WAS 18'.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
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