WEll, you sound normal to me
I have done a lot in life, and a lot of it was last minute. Partially because I waited and partially because I found out at the last minute. Man, that really makes for a FAST minute!!!! Youd be surprised and just how productive I can be when its down to the wire.
I procrastinate on projects at work because I get sidelined by other line-of-sight taskings and favors to do. At the end of the day I am wiped out and think..........aaa F it, I will do it tomorrow/nextweek/nextmonth/day before deadline.
In all my house projects I am 95-99.9% complete. The floor, the tile, the ceiling lights, the garage, the sink, the plumbing, the..........oh crap, you know WHEN it will be done? The day before I sell the house, THAT'S WHEN!
Even my hobbies are 99.9% done. Half of my gun projects, stocks, scopes etc... are all in some degree of cool but not over the .01% of being really really done.
In the military, even in the desert, I managed to sleeze my way to never wake up before 9-10am, I hate early mornings on principle. I will work all night till the sun comes up but I have some sort of childhood disdain for sunrise.
Then it happens..........................something clicks. I get some serious caffeine, hear some music or the secret KGB sleeper cell signal comes in through my tinfoil hat. And I just start finishing crap. I go like crazy on ephedra and finish projects and even start new ones. Then it burns out and I crash and slack for a while again.
I used to think as a young child "LATER, next year, I will start doing more homework, more cleaning, more chores" Later never came
-You have to realize your comfort zone.
-You have to know if you are happy, or not, where you are at in life right now. Because although torpid and boring, I can think of some places and lives youd rather not trade for.
-You have to realize what makes you tick and what motivates you. Goals, music, pressure, challenge, peer pressure, tits, beer, or a sense of accomplishment.
-Use and outside force to reinforce what you want to change. Alarm clock, buddies and events to go to on time, gym membership with hotties, volunteer groups/meetings at a pet shelter or habitat for humanity.
You seem like you think you have lost your way, when in reality, this is just who you are.
I remember twin girls in grade school, they had their shit together, always straight A's, always teachers pets and always picked up by their parents who patted them on their backs at the end of everyday. I am sure today they may be a Dr or community organizer.
I THOUGHT that they were doing it the right way (this being 1st-6th grade) and my haphazard life was the wrong way.
Who's to say, I am happy with my way and I have what I need, therefore my methods of doing things (as sometimes slacker as they are) have worked.
Life isnt always about achievements, work and success. Sometimes its about enjoying it and not taking too much seriously while execs have aneurisms over stress.