Baraka Guru's
Warrior Women thread started me thinking. I especially appreciated Ring's addition of
Rosa Parks
I was going to make this a ladies lounge thread, but I thought that perhaps the men of the TFP would appreciate being involved with this conversation.
Here goes:
What do you think when you see a female super hero?
How do you feel about the way these women are portrayed?
Do you have any examples of comic book superheroines that don't wear revealing clothing?
How do you feel about the apparent dirth of androgenous and hermaphroditic superheroes?
How applicable are these superheroines to the feminist movement?
Overall, would you say that they are a good or a bad thing for the world's perception of women?
I grew up utterly repulsed by Wonder Woman.

A scantily-clad hussie wondering around attempting to save the world as an excuse for men to oogle?!? What kind of a half-baked super hero is that? I wanted a real female hero. Princess Leia filled a bit of that void, but it still bothered me that the only representations of women in the comic world scene seemed to be skanky nasty hoes like Catwoman.
Until my friend pointed me in her direction, I had no idea there was a female super hero named
Apparently Herioc Publishing has a bunch of female super heroes among their ranks. All of them seem to be nothing more than eye candy for those who get turned on by a heroine. None of them seem to fill the powerful niche I'm trying to fill.