Originally Posted by MSD
Rude to fin an easy conversation starter after someone else initiates the interaction? Far from it (but you can probably do a lot better than that.) As far as sales people, women in any sort of customer service job get it all the time and most likely don't want to hear it from you unless they start it. Never hurts to try as long as you're not pushy.
Since my mind's set on shopping at the store, not dating, I would find it intruding, if a stranger would start analyzing the contents of my trolley, so I don't think of it that way.
I may have to observe the lonely male shoppers a bit differently from now on, to see if they are actually looking for a date. Hm... but observing them might make them think, I'm after something, when I'm not. I'd end up starting something I didn't intend to.
I was getting these thoughts on sales people after my husband was eager to do the shopping alone in a certain store.

They need to be careful how much friendliness they show towards customers.