There are two separate issues going on here.
First, her fantasy is perfectly normal - I'd bet a large percentage of people have the same fantasy, and there's nothing wrong with her for feeling that way. Your jealousy at the idea of her being with someone else is *also* normal. If her being with someone else is unacceptable for you, you need to tell her that very clearly. Then she either should give up on her fantasy, leave you, or work out some sort of compromise - maybe it's enough for both of you for it to continue to be pure fantasy. Maybe not.
It's like you finding other women attractive - that's perfectly normal, and it'd unreasonable of her to expect you to never be attracted to another woman. What *is* reasonable is for her to expect you to not act in ways that hurt her - ogling other women, telling her how much you'd like to sleep with some other woman, cheating on her, etc, etc. People can't control their desires or feelings, but they can control their actions. If you two can't work out a compromise on this and any other incompatibilities that come up, then you're relationship is doomed.
For the second issue, it sounds like you were a bit of a douche. You should man up and apologize. Then you can work on the situation at hand, and see if you can work things out or not.