13 years ago, I went to school for 2 years for my Cosmetology degree. This wasn't a regular beauty school - in addition to the typical perming and cutting courses, I also had to go for some sociology, math and English courses, etc. I flew through school - np. Also worked in a salon doing hair while in school, to save up money for my state board exam. The big day came. I ended up cutting my mannequin way too short, which was the first part of the exam. From that point on, my fingerwaves were fucked because the hair was too short, I couldn't roll a perm for the life of me because the length of the hair was too short - I just fucking gave up because I was so pissed. Needless to say, I failed. I had the opportunity to go back and re-take the exam but I never did. I continued to do hair at the salon for another year until I just quit. I couldn't stand being social all the time, was my excuse. Like I said, this was 13 years ago. And I trained for 2 years - not 6 months. This was supposed to be my career.
I hate myself today for not following through. I could be so far along if I just fucking stuck with it. But I gave up. Don't let your situation haunt you like mine haunts me. It's painful and draining.
There will always be more marathons. And in my case, I can always go back to school. I'm in a position where I'm considering a career change. But I'm trying to choose between 3-4 things. Need to make up my mind before I get much older. Regardless, it's ok to fuck up. It's not the end of your life... or career. Sure, be down for a little while. But I think you'll pick back up eventually.