There are sharp minds out there in the music world... I don't know if she's one of them. Anyone who says: "I can make money by doing something ridiculous or by being sufficiently outrageous" is welcome to do so in my estimation, assuming they aren't hurting anyone. Some of the longest-lived musical/entertainment people have re-invented themselves over and over. Maybe Lady Gaga is just that sort of a person. Personally, I've enjoyed both some of her music, and that of another entertainer who causes me a similar feeling of ambivalence, Pink. Some of their music is enjoyable, but most seems to be techno-crap.
On the other hand, while I can't say I'd ever go watch a Lady Gaga concert, or buy one of her albums, she's making more money than I ever will with her antics, so I'm not going to say she doesn't have something going for her.
And then there is one of my favourite artists, Cher, whose longevity is incredible. I couldn't believe hearing her techno version of some of her hits. But my kids love them.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.