Love is much misunderstood if it's only seen as an emotion. And even so, the description of love is different for different people. A highly charged infatuation feeling is deemed as love, and so is a comfortable, moderately satisfying long term relationship.
Monogamy may not be a natural human behavior. Perhaps it is just a set of rules created by a civilized society bent on giving basic rights to all. If you don't believe me, just look back and look around. Polygamy is banned in developed countries just not too long ago. In some lesser developed societies (look at Asia and Africa), polygamy is allowed and having multiple partners is seen as an achievement of able persons.
If our natural instinct is similar to that of the animal kingdom, then the Survival of the Fittest rule states that only the strongest will get to perpetuate their genes, i.e. only Alpha males get laid. This doesn't work well in a civilised society, so rules are set so that everyone gets their share. In a civilized society, everyone has the same rights, including race and gender. But this is not the natural order in the wild.
So is it possible to love more than 1 person at a time? I ask back: Is it possible not to if you are allowed to and are free of the man-made rules that bind us?