Recently I had to have a few minor procedures done and I also had surgery with local anestesia. The doctor who did the surgery explained the the feelings I was having and had had previously in my life as vasovagal. To let me know that it was normal he told me a story where a really good friend of his (who happened to be my boss) was pranked on the his first day at work by his boss and the owners of the company. They led him to believe that he had accidentally sent porn around the office and that one of the owners was extremly mad at him. Anyway he fainted.
The minor procedures I recently had that trigered these feelings (although no fainting) were a needle biopsy on my neck and a scope up my nose. in both cases, I had to lie back in the char afterward and it took me a while to feel well enough to get up.
With me I start feeling sweaty - I see feeling becuase I don't think that I am actually getting sweaty. I then feel like the hair on my head is being plastered down to my head. Then the nausea starts to set in. It is a much longer process for me and I don't end up fainting.
Anyway, when I went for the surgery I warned the doctor that I felt faint from the minor procedures and that i though it was the the smell of the lidocane (with the scope up my nose I had to use lidocane nose drops so that I would feel the camera on a wire going thorough my nose less then without it - it still hurt) that caused it. This is where he told me about vasovagal and that it had nothing to do with the lidocane. He said that when we did the surgery I should let him know if it was coming on and he would help by distracting me. He explained that the vasovagal reaction was becuase we are smart people that have imaginations about all the various horrible things that can happen. Even if we don't actually think about them, we just know. It is our brains that trigger the reaction.
So during the surgery when I felt it coming on he distracted me by getting me to focus on something else. He started asking me tons of questions one right after the other. It helped and the feeling went away.
So for me, I don't get it all the time, it just happens some times
- Giving blood - I can never get through a whole bag
- One of the epidurals my wife got - only one of them
- The needle biopsy
- Nose scope
- Open biopsy surgery with local anasthetic
Needles in general don't do anything to me.
Oh, there was one situation where I did faint.
I was in the bathroom standing while peeing in the toilet when I had a very sharp pain at the end of my penis. The next theing I knew I was lying on the floor and my wife was rushing into the bathroom. The last thing I really remembered was the pain. I do remeber having a falling sensation but I was definately out before I hit the floor. I fell completely over to the side. My face smashing on the tile floor woke me up.
I am sure that I passed a stone or something.
Anyway, for the next two weeks I drank so much water and went to the bathroom sitting down every time.
Sticky The Stickman