Been playing this game for a few months now. still pretty happy with it.
Currently have a 54/45 priest/warrior yay for the melee priest!
My toons name is Moos on grimdal if anyone has any questions or anything i wouldnt mind answering them in game.
Just a little more info about the game...
First of all you can buy diamonds off the auction house with in game gold instead of buying them with real cash if you want just takes time. they generally sell for around 15k gold each.
at my level i can easily farm 500k gold a day in a hour or two of casual solo farming.
Stuff in the diamond shop in game goes on sale all the time so if you save up you can get everything you need without spending a dime of real money just going to take some time.
People that say its exactly like wow.... well its just not. i played wow some and i just couldnt get into it. personally feel this game is better. is it perfect... no but right now i really do feel its the best option as far as mmorpgs go.
In pvp you do not always drop 2 items btw. i have been killed on my toon countless times and i think i have dropped stuff maybe ten times total. normally only one item. out of those ten times only twice has it been a piece of gear that i was using.
In game to save yourself a lot of hassle in the end i suggest you do your daily quests every day and use the tokens you get from them to buy transmuter charges your going to need lots of them in the end.
End game pvp is all about who has the best gear. some class combos are better then others of course but for the most part if you have good gear you will do well if you have crappy gear your gonna die a lot. So yeah some dork spends $1000 on diamonds he will be able to get really good gear pretty damn fast and kick your butt in pvp. But... you can get the exact same stuff if you take enough time to get it. But it will take a while.
So yeah if anyones playing on grimdal and has any questions feel free to send me a message on Moos