Originally Posted by Herk
Why not send a letter and ask parents to calculate the cost of driving to McD's and buying a meal for the family, divide by 5, and please donate that to the PTA. You might even add a footnote that says, "If you really care about our children, you might go ahead and skip the dividing by 5 step... and also add in the money your child might save by not being a product of the fast food nation."
Originally Posted by robot_parade
Oh, another thought - how hard is it to just donate cash-money to your PTA. A constructive suggestion you could make is to include "If you'd rather just make a cash donation, then..." on the flyer they send for this (if any) or other PTA correspondence.
In the last fundraiser from my son's elementary school, they actually had a note suggesting a direct donation if you didn't want to purchase any of the wrapping paper or chocolate covered nuts. We were more than happy to do so.