McTeacher Night - need insight
Recently my daughter came home from school and asked me to take her to McDonald's. Right off the bat; not cool. It is a result of a fundraiser for the local PTA called McTeacher night. Apparently schools across the nation participate in this. I raised a red flag and, through much resistance from the PTA president, am on the agenda to discuss this at the meeting tomorrow night.
I see a lot of bad in this and absolutely zero good. I'm hoping to get some of your opinions so that I can speak comfortable tomorrow night. Essentially my beef with it is simple. There is no room for corporate influence in schools. I hate to see children exploited for others to profit. It is very similar to the door to door fundraisers where they enlist children as slave labor to sell their goods from door to door.
This sort of operation generally operates in a guise of benefit to the children. For instance, with McTeacher night the PTA gets 20% of profits earned for McD's to benefit the school. Of course McD's gets the rest and your kids get type 2 diabetes, but only the dollar signs make it into the eyepiece. Why not send a letter and ask parents to calculate the cost of driving to McD's and buying a meal for the family, divide by 5, and please donate that to the PTA. You might even add a footnote that says, "If you really care about our children, you might go ahead and skip the dividing by 5 step... and also add in the money your child might save by not being a product of the fast food nation."
Don't mistake me. I'm fat, and I catch an All American Meal on a regular basis, but McD's is obviously a corporation that cares about making money more than children's wellbeing. My daughter goes to a public school. How can this be ok with people?
I feel like my rant lost clarity before I even started. I'm going to cut myself of before the rage grows.
Your thoughts?
-Blind faith runs into things!-