How is that even possible? If a civilian had hit the child there would be massive charges, suspension or revocation of license, and massive fines.
The cop is an Only One*, you must recall. It's life is ever-so-much more important than that of a lowly Pleb such as the unfortunate child, because it protects the rest of us from...umm...speeders and...you know...bad drivers and...stuff.
I just can't wrap my head around this one..
Get used to it. This sort of thing is hardly unusual, and is becoming more and more common (and more well-known, thanks to the uniquity of cellphone cameras.) Just ask the waitress unfortunate enough to irritate one of "Chicago's Finest" in this tape. BTW, the cop got probation for this unprovoked and potentially lethal beating.
*You know...the Only Ones who can be trusted with guns, authority, etc...despite the fact that cops negligently shoot themselves or others 10x more frequently than non-cops, and routinely abuse their authority in ways that even Kafka would have a hard time imagining.