This is a needless tragedy. There's no doubt about that. I've reported cops for speeding without lights/siren for just that reason.
Cops have privileges that we don't... they carry weapons, their powers of arrest are greater, and they can violate some laws in performance of their duty. It's a very tough job. The vast majority are good, honest guys out there trying to "serve and protect". Then you get guys like this. Maybe, just maybe, he just got careless, or maybe there was a reason for not having lights/sirens. Around here, in the case of a domestic dispute, they don't want to announce their arrival ahead of time, so they will forgo the emergency equipment (that's when I called to report the guy).
But it doesn't matter. With their greater privilege comes a commensurate requirement for greater care. Whatever the reason for the accident, his carelessness cost a young boy his life, and his parents a child, something they will never recover from. His punishment was woefully inadequate, if even just from the point of view of restoring trust. Too many police forces forget what this does to their support in the community.
If you want another real good example, consider the case of Robert Dziekanski, a 40 year-old Polish immigrant to Canada who was killed by being tasered 5 time by RCMP officers within 30 seconds of their arrival on the scene. Their notes and statements accused him of being combative and attacking them. Unfortunately for them, the entire thing was caught on video by a guy watching, and when that tape was made public, the RCMP looked at best inept and dishonest. Rather than go after the 4 officers for lying and attacking this poor man who spoke no English or French, a solid blue wall went up to protect them. The ongoing inquiry into the killing has hurt the RCMP's reputation badly.
If I were a cop, I'd be outraged at the punishment to this guy in Dallas, and the treatment of the RCMP officers. How the hell could I ask people to trust me that I'm going to protect them first if they see that I can get away with murder?
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.