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Old 10-15-2009, 08:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Southern Illinois
Eagle Scout suspended for 2 in. pocketknife

The Associated Press: NY Eagle Scout suspended for keeping knife in car

NY Eagle Scout suspended for keeping knife in car
(AP) – 1 day ago
TROY, N.Y. — An Eagle Scout who kept a 2-inch pocketknife in his car has been suspended from his upstate New York high school for bringing the weapon onto school grounds. Now he is concerned about his chances of getting accepted to West Point.
Matthew Whalen was suspended for 20 days for violating the Lansingburgh Central School District's zero-tolerance policy. The 17-year-old senior says he gave the knife to an administrator last month after another student told officials about it.
Whalen says the knife was a gift from his grandfather, the police chief in a nearby village. He says he kept survival items in his car in case of an emergency.
Whalen says he's been wanting to go to West Point for years but now worries about his chances.
District officials say they don't comment on student disciplinary matters.
I have carried a pocket knife most of the time since I was in high school, but I never carried one to school (high school, anyway; I carried one when I was in college). I almost feel naked without one; nearly every day I have an occasion to use it, and some days it gets a lot of use. I know that many things have changed in the twenty years since I graduated high school, but a twenty day suspension? Are we going too far in our efforts to protect children, or are we better off erring on the side of caution? And even if this suspension is an over-reaction, does it absolve Whalen of his responsibility in regards to breaking school policy?
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