Perceived happiness is such a loose term. I realize what you're saying but it doesn't really jive with the way i see life. As far as I'm concerned, what makes me happy [the genuine me, not the me bound by 'personal truths' and 'social perception'] is what makes me happy. If I can feel honest in my happiness, I don't see what's perceptual about it.
Perception means walking in with conditions, which i do because everyone does, but I feel over time I can step back and get a good idea of what it is without the initial blast distorting it. At first, I was driven to shit because I had no hand in what happened, but more importantly, I was detoxing from the habits I'd formed involving this person. After that disappeared, and i felt clear, and resolved, I re-evaluated. Which led me here:
I still love her. Genuinely. It's not an issue of attachment because I'm not. So if this love is indeed genuine, then where do I go from here. Letting go of that love is dishonest; at least, i'd feel i was being dishonest with myself. But with that love comes the person, who I have to let go.
how do I find the median?
1) No; maybe I didn't express it properly. I was trying to get across that I haven't 'decided' what it means because I obviously haven't figured it out. So I'm open to what it could become with more perspective; i have an idea but that's all it is for now, or, forever. until i come to terms with it. I only trust the things that feel right; hearsay is hearsay until it sounds right. Dig?
2) I realize what I'm saying sounds like the typical lost 20 something - and I realize that typing that makes it seem more likely - but I accept that I'm young; but I can't ignore what I feel truthfully because my 'my age makes truth unlikely'. But what I mean about the return is shouldn't a personal relationship get a personal response? An action, reaction - situation. If I love her, and she loved me, where did it go. And when it's gone, which it is [I've accepted that], where did the reaction go? That's a genuine question. I don't think there's an answer, but I don't know very much [i'm young! full circle!], so that's why I'm asking. What is it about this that defies logic?
3) I get and appreciate this. But my question is, does it being my past make it mean less then the present and future. and if so, why? If say, I have the love i lost now, and i have one 10 years from now. What makes one more important then the other?
4) What if a day without her is, and I realize how this sounds but i'm being honest, less important. Why is it that because she's gone, she has lost her value in my life? [Because she's gone and it doesn't contain value if it's not there]. But if she created things for me, that i cannot create without her; haven't i lost something?
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.