I've recently been diagnosed, uh designated, an essential employee (yea me, I'm SPECIAL!!), and have had a laptop computer inflicted on me. I've fought that for years as as far as I am concerned, when I walk out that door, work is behind me. I'll answer the phone at home (occasionally) and come to work if they need me, but when I'm home, I'm home.
Now the idea is that if there's a pandemic and they close our office, I can still do most of my job from home via a VPN connection. Oh, and if I'm too sick to come in, but well enough to function minimally, I can maybe get a bit done in 5 minute increments.
Their concern for my well-being would warm the cockles of my heart if I knew what cockles were, and there was any genuine concern for me. This is also the reason I refuse a company cell-phone. They want me to carry one but I've told them it WILL stay in the office when I leave. I have my own, personal cell-phone, and I'm not carrying 2. And they don't have the personal number.
At my wife's office, they will actually call someone who calls in sick if the person doesn't report their symptoms!! The fact that it is legally none of their business will soon be tested by the union there, but they continue to call until the grievance is decided. Unbelievable.
Too many people DO come to work when they probably shouldn't, but that is built in to the North American work ethic. I haven't seen the studies quoted above, but I have some nagging doubts about the definitions of cost to the economy they are using.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.