Calling in sick
How sick do you have to be call in to work and tell them you are staying home? With the flu season approaching and the "panic" over swine flu, everyone is looking at anyone who sneezes as if they have the plague. If you had, what you thought, was just a common cold, would you stay home?
The reason I ask is because I was just told to go home in a not-so-joking manner. I am sneezing, my head is stuffed and I am exhausted. I am so tempted to call in sick tomorrow, but with the new promotion I didn't know if I should or not. It is just a cold. On the other hand, I could use a day to sleep. and then I wouldn't have to hear anyone complaining that I am going to get them sick.
What would you do?
"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles." ~Alex Karras