I've had three partners out of ten that liked doggystyle and only one of them actually came from it. My junk didn't hit their junk the right way. No biggie.
The usual complaint is that the penetration is too deep and that it's hitting something it isn't supposed to... like the cervix. Other complaint is that they get tired holding the "coffee table" position and would prefer to flop flat on the bed while you bang away from behind. Having the woman lay flat also adds the additional cushion of her buttocks to the equation, which helps prevent cervix-stabbing. I've had success with partners achieving orgasm from this position. Try it out.
Also ensure your partner is properly aroused through oral or manual stimulation. Foreplay is crucial to penetration comfort for women.
Sex Info 101 has cataloged just about every sexual position you can imagine... in animated graphics.
Check it out if you need ideas for other ways to poke your partner.