Originally Posted by apeman
To push myself when I'm feeling like stopping, I usually start a countdown from 100 and if I get to 0 I'm allowed to stop, except then I start another countdown unless I'm absolutely done, when I'll walk for a count of 30 or whatever.
That's pretty good, maybe I'll steal that.
I've been looking down the path and picking something maybe a tenth of a mile ahead, and promising myself I'll run at least to there. Then when I get there, I look and see how I feel. Most of the time by the time I get to my marker, I've relaxed into the run and whatever made me think I needed to stop is gone, and I keep running.
My last couple days, I've noticed a pattern where my first mile is all blue sky and clean air, my second mile is a brutal uphill slog (even going downhill), and then right at the beginning of mile three I get rocket boots and just glide the rest of the way. Fun!