We just caught up on our DVR'ed eps 1 and 2. Interesting stuff. Time travel is my favorite SciFi subgenre--I love contemplating paradoxes.
What these FBI dudes haven't twigged to yet is, there's a classic null causality problem on their corkboard. Those things are up there because he saw them up there, so they go hunt them down to put them up there so that they're up there on April 20 for him to see. Never noticing that the causality is entirely circular. It's exactly like John Locke's compass in the last couple episodes of LOST, which is eternally going through a time loop.
How such stories usually end up is, without the glimpse into the future, the future that got glimpsed never could have happened, and without that future having happened, the glimpse never could have occurred. It's a nice second-level paradox, and I'm enjoying watching it play out in a major-network, high-profile drama.
Joseph Fiennes is doing very nice work too, I think. Also, dammit-EVERYBODY is in this show! Penny! Roldy! The dude from Law and Order!