Originally Posted by devrazr
I'd also be very grateful if you people provide me some pointers on how to detach myself from emotions that have become an impediment to my life and career, and on how to develop a more logical and rational approach towards life.
Ok, and this is my opinion only.
Fuck them, her, it . . whatever. You are one and she is one of what, 6 billion people on the planet?
If you need to detach think of it like that, she is only one of 6 BILLION people on this planet, the only planet that we know of that supports life in the way we know it . . .
There are 5, 999, 999.99 left people on the planet, besides you. There is nothing wrong with being emotional. There is nothing wrong with mood swings.
Put one person into perspective. Just another body walking the surface. It means nothing to you. This person is nothing.
So tomorrow, wake up, be happy, wave to said person and live your life happily. You are running out of time to meet the other 5,999,999.98 people that are left.