Alternatively (pun intended), you can learn to see his submissiveness as a form of initiation--especially if he is content to play the role whenever (and I literally mean whenever) you feel like having sex. In other words, if his submissiveness is always "on" then you can take advantage of that (so to speak) as it pleases you.
As the Dom, you can direct him to be more agressive with you or to do whatever it is you want done, whenever you want it done (assuming whatever limitations you have otherwise--schedules, kids, etc.). For example, tell him you want to come home to a dark house, be thrown on the bed, and then fill-in-the-blank (i.e., however you define being treated aggressively).
Give him very specific directions. In other words, your imagination is the only limit if he is truly as submissive and kinky and sexually experienced as your OP indicates. Take responsibility yourself for upping the kink a couple of notches and see what happens...