You're only as strong as your weakest link...I have a student loan however I do pay off my credit cards EVERY Month...a whopping $500.00 limit. My student loan's interest is being paid off now with the pittance my parents give me to live on $100.00/month. Spending and living outside of your means on money you don't have is a bad idea...obviously. He doesn't have a credit card yet...that needs to change. He does have almost $100K in the bank though. As far as my loan is's mine, under my name and it will be taken care of when I get a job after graduation. He told me we'd handle it when the time comes if need be. It's nice to know he's willing to back that loan and me later on should it be necessary. I'd do the same for him if need be. But yes, he's attractive because he's financially secure and aware. It's a plus for sure.
I have friends who are paying off student loans for their ENTIRE education, however because they initially took out those loans they have careers to pay them off. Worth it in my opinion. I believe when it comes to a credit rating...both partners having shitty credit is a no go. Someone needs to be able to handle the bills and be responsible for deadlines. Two weak people like that is just a bad combo. Isn't that what relationships are about anyway...? Being strong where your partner might be weak?