There was time when girls were chattel. They still are in some countries, and apparently still thought of that way in others. Women all over the world would like to see this changed. They would like to be treated with some care and concern for their welfare and that of their children. This doesnt mean that we dont want our children to grow up to experiment and experience sex when they are ready, or that we need to be treated with TLC, but it does mean the same rights as everyone. Included in these rights, I believe, is the right to be seen and understood as a woman and a whole human being, and as important and significant in society.
mixedmedia has it right. Laws are there to provide protection, and our children need it. Not excessively, but inherently. I understand some 12 year olds might be sexual thinking (I was) and I understand that will lead to sexual experiences. However, a 12 year old flirting with the boy next door is quite different from a 57 year old flirting with a 12 year old, or a 57 year old getting turned on by reading or misreading a 12 year old's intention and perhaps acting upon it legally. Although one would hope that a 57 year old would understand that it is part of growing up and learning, and that he is not to go there, there are many who do go there to eveyone's misfortune. One likes to think that we all look out for our children, but that isnt the case.
Another question this raises is if consent were legally to change (per state) to a lowered age, what would that mean for parental rights? When does a child become an adult?
ps to Jinn: Why is is passive-aggressive? I dont think it is necessarily ridiculous. If one were to legally fuck a 12 year old, or believe it should be legal to do so, why would talking about it to the victim be a problem? Or is it the butt fucking of a child that is problematic?! Would the law change to include only vaginal intercourse between men and girls?
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata