Originally posted by hrdwareguy
For whatever reason the original poster does not like pit bulls. Granted, most of the time they get media attention anymore is when they attack someone. If this is all the information the original poster has to base their knowledge on, so be it.
It is not people like this that make it impossible for responsible pit bull owners to take their dogs places, it is the fault of the irresponsible pit bull owners.
That said, please keep this thread on topic.
Thanks, hrdwareguy. For the record, it is from personal experience that I don't like pit bulls, and I've earned my right to hate them.
The most productive part about this thread is that a Fila was recommended to us, I was very enthused about it, and I conducted a fair amount of web research. However, after getting the straight poop from several responsible TFP dog folks, I've come to believe it would be a mistake for us to get such a dog.
I'm starting to lean toward that German Shepherd, now.
Hey, mtsgsd, if we get a GSD, we don't have to give it Waffen-SS name, do we?