Originally Posted by streak_56
Final Fantasy 10 (PS2) - A more recent game but IMO, the best that has come out in its genre.
Zelda (Super Nintendo) - Couldn't get enough of this game.
Road Rash 3 (Sega Gensis) - My brother and I played this for hours on end.
Hmm, Final Fantasy 10 isn't a bad game... They just could've made it better. I didn't like Tidus. I think he was an epic fail main character. And how he was a dream... Laaaame. The battle system was good along with a couple of other things but it was way too short in my opinion and I didn't like the idea of it being a "Puzzle Fantasy 10" in my opinion.
And a link to the past will always be one of my favorite games.
But then again, FF10 isn't a classic yet. :P
The Ps1 system had some of the BEST RPGs on the market and it saddens me when kids think that graphics really make the game. Without those really bad graphics and amazing plot we wouldn't be able to call RPGs as such. We wouldn't have had titles like "Crisis Core" for PSP or even Final Fantasy Tactics. God, two of the best games I've ever played.