Ephedra is a stimulant, plain and simple. It increases metabolism to burn calories. As a stimulant it can cause heart rhythm abnormalities, high blood pressure, and in those with coronary artery disease, heart attacks. It has been implicated in a number of deaths. The FDA is currently looking into banning the drug in over the counter preparations due to its danger, and it looks like they will succeed.
The people who sell ephedra(GNC etc) may not be the most unbiased people to ask an opinion of (ever hear a car dealer say his cars suck?) Look to a well respected medical site for more info
Then link me to a "well respected medical site" for more info, or perhaps one with the most accurate information. I really doubt they will be able to prove that it is a "dangerous drug" worth banning.
Ephedrine and ephedra can be used with a great deal of safety. Note that life-threatening reactions are caused by irresponsible use.