Originally Posted by guccilvr
slap a budweiser sticker and a 3 sticker on them.. you'll sell em in an hour.
You know, my stepdad once owned a local PC repair/sales shop when I was 13 or so. He once had a "NASCAR special" pc that he sold. It a PC with a 19' CRT, gaming video card, NASCAR II video game and the driving assessory sets (Wheel, stick shift, gas pedal). It was marked up from hell and we sold a shit-ton of these things. People would walk in all the time "Ya'll got that there racing game? I want be able to drive at glen's dale." They didn't care about the PC, just the fact the could drive a 500 lap NASCAR track for hours upon end.
People here like anything associated with NASCAR, drinking beer, guns, Jesus, or Wal-Mart. If I could make a PC that you could drive a NASCAR car and it held your beer in a cooling system, I would be a fucking millionaire.