Originally Posted by raeanna74
dlish - I have been walking primarily and am working into the running slowly. On days where my shin splits have bothered me then I just walk the next day. Do you think switching to walking the 3 miles instead of running is enough of a 'Break' from the running? I've been covering the 3 miles every day, just varying the intensity or whether I'm walking or running. It seems to break up the monotony of it too.
Also, give me all the info you've got. I appreciate it. You can pm me the websites or include them on this thread.
I've heard about running barefoot shorter distances so that you become more aware of problems in your form. What does everyone here think of that? Have you tried it?
raeanna, as i mentioned earlier, you NEED a day rest at least. preferably two in a row. if i have a hard run, or i play touch rugby which involves plenty of printing, quick starts and plety of sudden stops, i guarantee that ill be sore for a day or two. a minimum of a days rest is necessary, preferably two. a two day rest and i'm good to go.
what you need to do is work out WHY you are getting this pain. theres always an underlying reason for it, and usually a health professional like a physio or podiatrist would be able to tell you your problem and lead you into the right direction. but usually its pronation/biomechanical issue.
as for websites, there are plenty of websites out there, but the best most comprehensive and to the point website ive found on shin splints is this one
Shin Splints
i personally wouldnt recommend running barefoot. sure, the old days of the neanderthal people would run around barefoot, but people back then lived much shorter lifespans . why run barefoot and run the risk of further injuries if you are already getting problems. lets face it, you aint Zola Budd, so just drop the barefoot thing you got going there. it would bring more pain than good.